
Visualization is a simple yet powerful way to connect with and direct energy in witchcraft. It requires no tools, making it an accessible skill for any practitioner. By interacting with energy through visualization, you can direct and shape it to align with your intentions. Visualization could even be considered foundational in some practices, for without it, working with energy may prove much more difficult.

  • Did you know, about ~3% of the world’s population has aphantasia, the inability to visualize?

At first, your ability to visualize with ease may not come naturally and it could take some time to master. By sitting down, meditating, and practicing with visuals you will better your skill overtime, turning abstract blobs into something more detailed, precise, and tangible within your mind’s eye.

Mind’s Eye - A term used to represent the psychic “eye” that allows you to visualize and ‘see’ energy. This “eye” is utilized in many ways in witchcraft such as energy work, scrying or psychic divination, mediumship, and clairvoyancy. Strengthening the mind’s eye is an excellent way for beginners to begin tapping into energy.

Here is a simple exercise to help you develop this skill.

The Energy Ball Exercise

1. Awaken Your Energy

Sit or stand comfortably in a quiet space.

Rub your hands together briskly for a few seconds to activate the energy in your palms.

Hold your palms a few inches apart and notice any warmth, tingling, or subtle sensations.

2. Visualize the Energy

Envision energy flowing out from your palms. Picture it as a soft, glowing light, sparks, or mist—whatever feels right to you.

See this energy forming into a small, luminous ball between your hands. Choose a color or texture that feels meaningful to you, such as golden light for positivity or blue for calm.

3. Shape the Energy

Slowly move your hands closer together and farther apart, as if shaping the ball.

Focus on the sensation of resistance, like holding a dense sphere of air or a magnetized object.

Visualize the ball becoming brighter or more vibrant as you continue to work with it.

4. Use or Dissolve the Energy

Once the ball feels solid in your mind, decide what to do with it:

Use it: Imagine sending the energy outward with intention, whether for healing, protection, or manifestation. Observe with your mind’s eye what happens on impact; Does it implode? Absorb into the target? Disintegrate into small bits?

Dissolve it: Picture the ball gently fading away, releasing its energy into the universe or back into your body.

5. Experiment with the Ball

Repeat the exercise using different visuals of color, texture, or even sound. Observe the many ways the energy ball manifests within your mind’s eye and interacts with the natural world. Experiment as you develop your skill.

