10 Easy Spells Using Everyday Items

We’ve all seen spells and rituals from ancient grimoires that call for using an abstract item that is unattainable for the average person, but don’t forget that witchcraft is a multifaceted practice that (while often can seem complex) doesn't always have to be. Magick can be as simple as focusing your energy and intentions within everyday items. The beauty of witchcraft is that you don't need expensive tools or complicated rituals to tap into your potential. By using things you already have at home, you can perform simple yet powerful spells.

Let’s explore 10 easy spells using everyday items!

Preparation: Cleansing Your Objects

Before casting any spell, it’s important to energetically cleanse your tools. This clears out any negative or stagnant energy and sets your scene for energy work.

Here are a few ways to cleanse your items:

Pass them through incense smoke.

Hold them under running water.

Visualize a bright, purifying light surrounding the item as you cleanse it.

Once your items are cleansed, they are ready to be infused with your energy.

1. Clarity Spell with a Pencil

What You Need

A pencil

A piece of paper


Best performed on a Monday or Wednesday during the new or full moon.

How to Cast:

1. Cleanse the pencil and enchant it using a light yellow energy; this energy represents cleansing mental fog and facilitating clarity.

2. Sit in a quiet space and visualize drawing the energy of your body towards your center, this may be to your chest or abdomen, wherever you feel your center naturally falls. Visualize this energy as a light yellow light.

3. Meditate on the situation, then write your question at the top of the paper.

4. Visualize connecting your center of energy to the pencil, visualize this energy pouring down your arm and into the pencil, creating a connection.

5. Start writing about the situation—what you know, your feelings, and any insights that arise. Let your thoughts flow freely. Even if the words don’t make sense together, just write what comes to mind. Visualize the energy you have flowing down the pencil and onto the page, as if you were writing with light yellow energy.

6. After you've written everything down, read through and analyze it to gain clarity. Pay attention to any words that may hold symbolic energy.

7. If you don’t feel clarity right away, leave it and read later.

2. Grounding Spell with a Rock

What You Need

A small rock or stone


Best performed during the waning or new moon on a Monday or Wednesday.

How to Cast

1. Cleanse the energy of the rock by running it through water, allow the water to absorb any negative or stagnant energy and flow away.

2. Visualize centering the energy within your body, this may towards your chest or abdomen, envision it as a white energy.

3. Using your non-dominant hand, hold the rock. Close your eyes, breathe in deeply, and focus on the texture and shape.

4. As you breathe in, envision a mixed stream of brown and green energies flowing from the rock, into your arm, and towards your center. Visualize the energy radiating throughout your body. This energy represents grounding and vitality.

5. As you breathe out, envision and feel yourself releasing stress and negativity.

6. Continue this process until you feel neutralized and grounded.

7. Carry the rock with you throughout the day to protect your energy.

3. Memory Spell with a Paperclip

What You Need

A paperclip


Best performed during a waxing gibbous or full moon.

How to Cast

1. Cleanse the paperclip using incense smoke.

2. Visualize centering the energy within your body, this may towards your chest or abdomen, envision it as a golden yellow energy.

3. Hold the paperclip in your dominant hand and visualize pouring this golden yellow energy into it. This energy represents mental clarity and communication of knowledge.

4. Gather the materials you need to memorize, and if it’s digital, simply print it out.

5. Focus on the material and clip the paperclip to the top of it, envision the energy of the paperclip permeating through the material.

6. As you review the material, see the paperclip helping you remember. Envision recalling the material with ease and reciting it to others.

7. Carry the paperclip with you and meditate upon it to absorb it’s energy when you need to recall the material.

8. Repeat the spell as needed to refresh memory or to learn new material.

4. Traveling Spell with a Paper Airplane

What You Need

A pen or pencil

A piece of paper


Best performed on a Monday or Wednesday during the new or waxing moon.

How to Cast

1. Cleanse the paper and pen.

2. Visualize centering the energy within your body, this may towards your chest or abdomen, envision it as a golden yellow energy.

3. Write down your destination as detailed as possible, including the exact address if possible.

4. Fold the paper into a paper airplane, as you do so envision pouring golden yellow energy into the paper. This energy represents travel and movement.

5. On a windy day, go outside and recite the following incantation:

"Winds of air, take flight with me,

Guide my journey, set me free.

What’s done is done, so it shall be."

6. Throw the paper airplane into the wind, envisioning yourself traveling to your destination.

5. Glamour Spell with a Beauty Product or Jewelry

What You Need

Nail polish, moisturizer, or jewelry


Best performed on a Friday during the waxing or full moon.

How to Cast

1. Cleanse the energy of your object.

2. Visualize centering the energy within your body, this may towards your chest or abdomen, envision it as a vibrant purple energy.

3. Holding the object in your dominant hand, envision pouring this purple energy from your center, down your arm, and into the object.

4. Envision how you want to be seen by others—how they will react to you, what they’ll say, and how they’ll perceive you.

5. As you apply the beauty product or wear the jewelry, imagine a veil of purple energy falling over you, creating the desired effect.

5. Say: "What’s done is done, so it shall be." to seal the spell.

6. To remove, simply take off the makeup or jewelry and envision the purple veil dissipating into nothingness.

6. Manifestation Spell with a Seed

What You Need

Any type of seed


Best performed during the new moon on Sunday.

How to Cast

1. Envision the seed as the beginning of your manifestation—its energy symbolizing the foundation of your goal.

2. Visualize centering the energy within your body, this may towards your chest or abdomen, envision it as a light green energy. This energy represents growth and stability.

3. Hold the seed in your dominant hand and pour the light green energy from your center, down your arm, and into the seed. Envision your manifestation coming together.

4. Say:

"Seed of life, seed of might,

Grow my dreams, bring them to light.

What’s done is done, so it shall be."

5. Plant the seed, allowing the earth to purify the energy of your manifestation. As the seed grows, your manifestation shall too.

6. Nurture the plant and watch it grow as your manifestation develops.

7. Focus Spell with a Magnifying Glass

What You Need

A magnifying glass

A pen or marker


Best performed on a Tuesday during the waxing or full moon.

How to Cast

1. Cleanse the energy of the magnifying glass and pen.

2. Visualize centering the energy within your body, this may towards your chest or abdomen, envision it as a vibrant red energy. This energy represents your determination, willpower, and motivation.

3. Write what you need to focus on, either on the lens or handle of the magnifying glass.

4. Holding the magnifying glass in your dominant hand, pour the red energy from your center, down your arm, and into the magnifying glass. Envision working hard on your goal and putting your focus towards it.

5. Leave the magnifying glass under the moonlight overnight to absorb its energy. This lunar energy will facilitate the emotions of focus and determination.

7. Carry the magnifying glass with you until your focus is achieved.

8. Clear Negativity Spell with Coffee

What You Need

A cup of coffee


Best performed in the morning or during the waning moon.

How to Cast

1. Stir the coffee counterclockwise, envision any negative and stagnant energy of the coffee breaking up and dissipating.

2. Visualize centering your energy within your body, this may towards your chest or abdomen, envision it as a white energy.

3. Stir the coffee clockwise and envision pouring this white energy from your center, down your arm, and into the coffee. Continue as you imbue the coffee with a cleansing white energy.

4. As you drink the coffee, envision consuming the white energy as it fills your body and pushes out negativity and stress.

9. Energy Battery Spell with Yarn or Twine

What You Need

A piece of yarn or twine


Best performed on a Tuesday or Sunday during the full moon.

How to Cast

1. Cleanse the yarn.

2. Visualize centering the energy within your body, this may towards your chest or abdomen, envision using a white energy or other color associated with your intention.

2. Tie loose knots in the yarn. As you tie each knot, blow your breath into it, envisioning energy flowing from your center, out your mouth, and into the knot. Envision the energy being captured in the knot.

3. When you want to release the energy, simply untie the knot and visualize the energy flowing out, either into another object or manifesting as needed.

4. Say:

"What’s done is done, so it shall be."

to activate the energy upon use.

10. Money Spell with a Bay Leaf and Wallet

What You Need

A bay leaf

Your wallet


Best performed on a Thursday during the waxing moon.

How to Cast

1. Cleanse the wallet and bay leaf.

2. Visualize centering the energy within your body, this may towards your chest or abdomen, envision using a green or yellow energy. Green for energies of stability and growth, or Yellow for energies of communication and money flow. Choose the energy that corresponds most with your financial need.

3. Holding the bay leaf in your dominant hand, pour this energy from your center, down your arm, and into the bay leaf.

4. Say:

"Leaf of prosperity, bring me gain,

Let abundance flow without strain.

What’s done is done, so it shall be."

5. Place the bay leaf within your wallet, envision the energy of the bay leaf flowing throughout it. Visualize getting a paycheck, a raise, a new client, or other form of money manifestation.

6. Carry the wallet with you to attract prosperity and growth.

These simple spells allow you to harness the power of everyday items, imbuing them with your intention and energy. Whether you're seeking clarity, protection, or abundance, magick is always within reach—no complicated rituals required!


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