Mystical Moons: The December Cold Moon

In witchcraft, every full moon carries unique qualities that go beyond its phase or astrological influence. These moons, named for the natural rhythms of the year, embody energies that witches can harness for their practices. The December Cold Moon, named for the icy stillness of winter, offers a moment to pause, reflect, and prepare for the renewal of the coming year.

This moon encourages us to honor the lessons of the past year, release what no longer serves us, and envision a brighter path forward.

The Energy and Correspondences of the Cold Moon

The Cold Moon reflects the endurance and clarity needed to navigate the dark and quiet months of winter. It is a time for purification, introspection, and setting intentions for the year ahead.

Simple Correspondences for the Cold Moon

Colors: White, silver, icy blue, and black

Crystals: Clear quartz, snowflake obsidian, and moonstone

Herbs: Sage, cedar, yarrow, juniper, and peppermint

Animals: Wolf, owl, bear, raven, fox and deer

Foods: Warm soups, baked goods, cinnamon-spiced drinks, and teas like chamomile or peppermint.

Elements: Water and air

A Simple Ritual to Harness the Cold Moon’s Energy

What You’ll Need:

A mirror (handheld or small enough to hold comfortably).

A white or silver candle (symbolizing the moons’ illumination).

A small bowl of water

A piece of paper and pen.


1. Set the Scene:

Find a quiet space, preferably where you can see the moon. Arrange your items: place the mirror and bowl of water in front of you, with the candle nearby. Engrave the candle with a moon symbol and light; Sit with it for a moment, meditating on the flame. Visualize the flame radiating bright white energy burning away all negativity and stagnant energy within the space, cleansing the air and the mirror in preparation for the ritual.

2. Ground Yourself:

Close your eyes and begin a steady breathing rhythm, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. With each breath, visualize energy building at your core, growing brighter and stronger. This is your center of power, a source of stability and focus for the ritual.

3. Reflect with the Mirror:

Hold the mirror so you can see your reflection by the light of the candle. As you look at yourself, think about the past year. Acknowledge your accomplishments, challenges, and lessons learned.

4. Write and Release:

On the paper, write one or two things you wish to release—habits, emotions, or experiences holding you back. Hold the paper over the candle’s flame and say aloud:

I see the truth within myself. Under the light of the Cold Moon, I release what no longer serves me.

Burn the paper completely and set the ashes aside.

5. Set an Intention:

Write down an affirmation in the present tense, as if your intention has already come to fruition. For example: “I am confident and capable of achieving my goals.”

Hold the paper over the candle’s flame and say your affirmation aloud. Burn it completely, and mix the ashes with the bowl of water.

6. Close the Ritual:

Scatter the ashes from the first paper to the wind, symbolizing the release of what you’ve let go. Take the water mixed with the ashes of the second paper and pour it into the earth as an offering, symbolizing your manifestation being planted and nurtured. Thank the Cold Moon for its guidance and allow the candle to burn away.

Final Thoughts

The December Cold Moon offers a powerful opportunity to pause, reflect, and align with the stillness of winter. By incorporating a mirror into your ritual and using the candle flame to release and ignite your intentions, you can deepen your connection to the moon’s energy. This is a time to honor where you’ve been and step into the new year with clarity, strength, and purpose.


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